Saturday, January 9, 2010

About Me

Welcome to my blog!!!

My name is JoBeth Tully. I am 37 and I live in Maryland

I am a Mom, first and foremost, to two intelligent, wonderful, kind and beautiful little girls ~ Madison Soelle (7) & Holland Grace (4) and who are the main reason for the creation of this blog.

Don't be embarrassed for asking me things you want to know.

Don't be embarrassed of your family.

Don't be embarrassed of your religion.

Don't be embarrassed about your political affiliation.

Don't be embarrassed about things you cannot change.

Don't be embarrassed of your money or lack of money.

I am a little busy right now...but I will continue to add to the above.

My reason for creating this blog was so my girls, my friends, my girls' friends and others can learn & ask questions without being embarrassed to do so.

Background: The Main Reason for creating this blog is so that my girls will know things that I have had to learn by myself throughout the years. I did not have a mother or father or mother/father figure while growing up to learn these things from and I essentially had to teach myself values, morals, beliefs, traditions, etc. I hope that creating this blog can be an informative tool for them so that can ask, inquire, question or learn without being embarrassed to do so.
The things I have learned and am learning are things that I would love to teach my children before they head out into the world by themselves. Hopefully, I can do a good enough job of this so that they are confident, secure & and fully prepared for living the rest of their adult life.
(This note is for my girls: Madison & Holland - I am your Mom, but I am also a girl, a woman, wife, friend, lover as well and I have been through many things in life (a lot I hope you will never have to endure) and I would love for you to know, learn and grow from my knowledge & mistakes along the way. I continue to learn and discover things daily and from this knowledge, I hope to prepare you for your life and the hope that YOU won't have to wait until you have reached your 20's to start learning about.)

With that being said...let us begin ;)